Back to blogging

I’ve been absent from blogging for a while – with the exception of the links posts that are auto-generated from my Delicious bookmarks – due to a very heavy client workload and very few conferences to blog about. I have been twittering, but my Twitter stream tends to contain random thoughts and personal observations rather than BPM-related commentary.

The Twitterati may claim that blogging is dead, but there’s clearly a place for articles, reviews and opinion pieces that need more space to expand on a subject. There’s something about writing longer bits of prose (longer than 140 characters, that is) that helps my brain work around problems better, plus the comments and feedback from readers is a valuable part of the conversation. I plan to get back to more regular blogging, and to kick that off, I’ll be blogging from SAP’s SAPPHIRE conference this week in Orlando. I have a detailed review of NetWeaver BPM that has been in the works for a while, and I’ll be updating that with new information from this week and publishing that as well.

Stay tuned, and don’t delete me from your RSS reader yet.

2 thoughts on “Back to blogging”

  1. I think the fact that the most useful twitters are actually links to blog posts proves the point that twitter is handy for finding referenced / trusted info, but the valuable info is still in articles/blogs/etc…

  2. Maybe I’m just old school but I can’t seem to get into the habit of twittering. I also agree that 140 characters allows you to reference the blog where the “real” content is.

    Great to see that we can expect your regular blogging articles again. Your articles are always top of my list to read.

    Thanks for the great work Sandy

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