About Me

Sandy Kemsley

I’m an independent analyst and systems architect, specializing in digital process automation (DPA), business process management (BPM), the social enterprise, enterprise architecture and business intelligence. In addition to my technical background, I’ve worked on the business operations end of projects, and I’m often involved from business requirements and analysis through technology design and deployment.

During my career of more than 20 years, I’ve started and run successful product and service companies, including a desktop workflow and document management product company from 1988-90, and a 40-person services firm specializing in BPM and e-commerce from 1990-2000. During 2000-2001, I worked for FileNet (now IBM) as Director of eBusiness Evangelism during the launch of their eProcess BPM product, and I was a featured speaker on BPM and its impact on business at conferences and customer sites in 14 countries during that time.

Since 2001, I’ve returned to private consulting practice as a BPM/DPA architect, performing engagements for financial services and insurance organizations across North America, and as an analyst working with BPM/DPA vendors. In addition to writing this blog, I often speak at conferences about BPM/DPA and digital transformation, and am a contributing author to books on social BPM and adaptive case management. I’m the recipient of the 2016 Marvin L. Manheim award for significant contributions in the field of workflow, and the 2019 winner of the Workflow Management Coalition’s award for Outstanding Business Transformation Consultant.

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